Lately I've been contemplating the situations and emotions that trigger my cataplexy. I have seen this topic discussed in other forums and support groups, so I know we are all curious about what other PWN experience. So here's my top 5 triggers- some of you may have more, some may have less. Feel free to comment!
1) Laughter- not every time I laugh, usually when something strikes me funny unexpectedly, can be brought on by funny movies, stand up comedians, and by family members (especially my dad)
2) Anger- usually when disciplining/scolding my kids, occasionally occurs when I'm faced with confrontation
3) Embarrassment- when I am embarrassed for someone else. This one had puzzled me since my late teens (prior to diagnosis). I always wondered why I got a strange feeling when I felt embarrassment for someone else that had said or did something to embarrass themselves. At the time, I could only describe it as feeling faint to my doctors. Now I know it has a name, cataplexy.
4) Adorableness- seeing something that's simply too cute for words. A baby just being a baby and being adorable can trigger mild to moderate cataplexy, simply by wrinkling their chubby face just right.
5) Being Snarky- sarcasm at its finest. I often make sarcastic remarks and comments to be funny, but 9 times out of 10, cataplexy weakens my mouth to the point of cutting short my comments or causing me to pause to regain muscle tone.
I am fortunate to not have to deal with full body attacks on a daily basis, and have never had a dangerous fall. I am thankful that I get a bit of a warning as the strength leaves my body, to prepare myself for a safe position. Although frustrating most of the time, and a little hard to explain to others, I still find cataplexy a fascinating phenomenon. I will never let cataplexy keep me from laughing!
Cheers to muscle tone- Hilary