Even though it can be effortless to pack on the pounds, it can be an uphill battle to work them back off. There is no single cause for the difficulty, but more of a complex imbalance of hormones, nutrients, diet and exercise, and even prescription meds. I'm not going to get all scientifically detailed regarding hormones, but keeping it short and sweet- have your hormones checked! Adrenal function and cortisol issues effect fatigue levels and manifest as belly fat. Thyroid hormone imbalance also manifests as weight loss difficulty and fatigue. Female hormones estrogen and progesterone should also be checked because they can cause emotional outbursts, weight gain, skin issues, fertility problems etc. For men, testosterone levels should be maintained as well for a healthy body weight. Along with hormone testing, other blood work should be performed to rule out anemia or malnutrition. Important levels to check are Vit D, Vit B12, magnesium, and calcium as well as having your glucose and insulin levels checked.
When the body is balanced from the inside at the cellular level, it is much easier to make changes to the outside. Nourish your body from the inside out by eating mostly organic, non-GMO foods, prepared from home. Avoid processed, refined and "diet" foods. Make label reading an automatic habit. Buy healthy oils for cooking such as olive, coconut, and avocado. Research healthy lifestyle blogs and Facebook pages such as www.100daysofrealfood.com http://WellnessMama.com www.fitlife.tv http://rebeldietician.us www.glutenfreehomemaker.com www.Draxe.com and www.realfarmacy.com just to name a few of my faves.
Last but not least, exercise is a MUST!!! Not only is exercise good for your body, it is good for your mind and soul. You will never regret having a great workout, you will regret however, not getting a workout in. You will regret letting the days go by as you sit on the couch. You will regret making excuses. You won't regret a long, slow weight loss journey. You will regret growing out of your pants. You won't regret a stronger body. I have worked out consistently since the end of January and have lost 12 pounds. It has been my slowest weight loss ever, but I am determined. I contemplate what I am going to put in my mouth, and I push myself each day at the gym. I try new things, both nutrition-wise and exercise-wise. And guess what? It's paying off and the inches are falling off. Lastly, don't deprive yourself. If you want chocolate, have some chocolate! Just substitute dark chocolate and almonds instead of a king size snicker bar ;) Moderation is the key! Sending motivation your way- Hilary
When the body is balanced from the inside at the cellular level, it is much easier to make changes to the outside. Nourish your body from the inside out by eating mostly organic, non-GMO foods, prepared from home. Avoid processed, refined and "diet" foods. Make label reading an automatic habit. Buy healthy oils for cooking such as olive, coconut, and avocado. Research healthy lifestyle blogs and Facebook pages such as www.100daysofrealfood.com http://WellnessMama.com www.fitlife.tv http://rebeldietician.us www.glutenfreehomemaker.com www.Draxe.com and www.realfarmacy.com just to name a few of my faves.
Last but not least, exercise is a MUST!!! Not only is exercise good for your body, it is good for your mind and soul. You will never regret having a great workout, you will regret however, not getting a workout in. You will regret letting the days go by as you sit on the couch. You will regret making excuses. You won't regret a long, slow weight loss journey. You will regret growing out of your pants. You won't regret a stronger body. I have worked out consistently since the end of January and have lost 12 pounds. It has been my slowest weight loss ever, but I am determined. I contemplate what I am going to put in my mouth, and I push myself each day at the gym. I try new things, both nutrition-wise and exercise-wise. And guess what? It's paying off and the inches are falling off. Lastly, don't deprive yourself. If you want chocolate, have some chocolate! Just substitute dark chocolate and almonds instead of a king size snicker bar ;) Moderation is the key! Sending motivation your way- Hilary
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