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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

CLEAN Detox Anyone?

Maybe you're a health fanatic, maybe you're not. Maybe you're a foodie and love indulgent culinary masterpieces, maybe you enjoy simplicity. Maybe you're sort of non-partisan and put little to no thought as to what goes into your body. Whatever the case, most everybody can benefit from a nice cleansing/detox program. There are many different types of cleanses: water fasting, juice cleanse, gluten free, boxed sets of detox supplements with probiotics, and elimination diet plans etc.
*Consult your doctor prior to a cleanse/detox.

Just over a month ago I completed a detox/cleanse. I did it with the intention of simply making my body healthier.  The bonus was a weight loss of 13 pounds- a side effect that I can happily live with. During the cleanse I took a hiatus from exercise and only worked out twice during this 3 week period. So the weight loss, for me, was even more impressive.

I downloaded the book CLEAN by Dr. Junger and read the majority of the book before I even started the plan. There is so much info and pathophysiological explanations for bodily functions- it's great!
Disclaimer- There are a few references involving evolution, so if you are a creationist as I am, take it with a grain of salt and move forward in the reading. The plan, in summation, is basically an elimination diet as well as letting your gut properly digest and function by allowing 12 hrs/night "fasting". Also, you have a smoothie/juice for breakfast, normal lunch, smoothie/soup/juice for dinner.  Things that are eliminated during this cleanse are: gluten, dairy, eggs, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol (I think that's it). Prepare to stock your fridge/pantry with plenty of green veggies, lemon, plant based protein powder, fish, chicken, coconut & olive oil, almond &coconut milk, raw nuts, chia/flax/hemp seeds, frozen fruit (smoothies), apple cider vinegar and almond/cashew butter- just to name a few.
If this at all intrigues you, I highly recommend it.  I will warn however that the first day or two or three, you may feel exceedingly fatigued if you have narcolepsy. If you suffer a caffeine headache, Dr. Junger suggests green tea in moderation is allowed despite its caffeine content. I only needed it once.  It does take time to pre plan your meals/smoothies due to the fact that you can't just stop and get fast food. If you have severe time restraints and have a budget that can afford it, Dr. Junger also has a CLEAN program kit that you can buy.
If you have existing intestinal issues, Dr. Junger just wrote a new book called Clean Gut that targets gut issues and healing. This plan is even more restrictive that CLEAN.

For more info try  or FB site

Whatever you may choose to do with your health, please just make conscious educated decisions. Small changes can have a huge impact: cutting out fast food and soda, quitting smoking, buying organic when possible, staying away from GMO's, switching to olive oil for cooking, cutting out preservatives and hydrogenated oils, etc... Even if its just baby steps, your body will love you for it.

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